Cocoa derivatives

MACS > Cocoa derivatives

Transformed products derived from cocoa and coffee. These products are worked by 77 families in the region of Meta, Colombia, in vulnerable conditions. This generates development and competitiveness in the department.

Pure cocoa is considered a "superfood" because it contains more than 50 nutrients and bioactive components such as polyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect us and provide health benefits, especially cardiovascular health. In addition, this food gives us energy, helps us to maintain our ideal weight and improves our mood.

Let us remember that after harvesting the fruits, the seeds are extracted, fermented and dried to obtain the cocoa bean. After the cleaning, shelling and roasting stages, the cocoa paste, the main ingredient of chocolate, is produced.

Cocoa powder, in turn, is obtained by pressing cocoa liquor. This semi-finished product is very useful for flavoring cakes, ice cream, hot or cold drinks and cookies. It is also present in the elaboration of toppings in the confectionery area.

Cocoa butter is the natural edible fat part or matter of cocoa. This intermediate product has a very characteristic odor and flavor. It is the only cocoa component used in the preparation of white chocolate, so it can be said that the base of this sweet is cocoa butter, at least when talking about good quality white chocolate.

Cocoa liquor, meanwhile, is a paste produced by grinding fermented cocoa. It is one of the raw materials for the manufacture of chocolates and alcoholic beverages.

Ref. Ancestral chucula

Description: Product produced in Meta by associations that suffered from the conflict, currently striving to help their associates with products derived from cocoa in areas where humanitarian demining has been carried out; this is considered the fruit of the gods; Colombian cocoa is recognized worldwide for its flavor and aroma characteristics, being part of the select group of special cocoas. The chucula is an ancestral and artisanal drink because of its natural content that provides an important source of energy and nutrients for the body. Indigenous peoples such as the Muisca who were located in the Altiplano cundiboyacense specialized in the preparation of this treasure which is composed by the goodness of seven grains which are: beans, peas, barley, wheat, chickpeas, corn and lentils roasted and ground are mixed with a honeydew of panela and water to which cocoa, cinnamon and cloves are added later.

Benefits:Recommended by nutritionists to combat anemia or when the body is low in defenses, providing minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B, C and E, natural antioxidants, fiber, protein, carbohydrates and potassium, taking care of your family and offering a nutritious experience.


Ref. Cocoa powder

Description: A star powder product derived from cocoa beans and free of added sugars which is used in baking processes, chocolate paste, ancestral beverages, instant chocolates and cosmetics.

Benefits: It is a very caloric food with high content of antioxidants that makes a contribution of proteins, vitamins of group B, vitamin A and vitamin E. The minerals provided are variable, being a source of potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc and selenium.



Ref. Cocoa butter

Description: It is an edible fat of natural vegetable origin that in its natural state, has a semi-solid consistency, and a color ranging from cream to pale yellow is from the cocoa bean, extracted during the chocolate manufacturing process and is separated from the cocoa mass by cold pressing. It has a mild chocolate aroma and flavor and can be used as a food ingredient in the manufacture of chocolate and cocoa-based products such as milk chocolate, certain chocolate milk drinks, chocolates, and is also vital in the development of skin care products.


Ref. Cocoa liquor

Descripción: Cocoa liquor, made from selected high quality cocoa.



Ref. Vegan chocolate covered dragées

Description: Dragees snacks with different flavors: raisins, peanuts, cereals, Brazil nuts, passion fruit, lulo, blackberry, cape gooseberry, macadamia nut, sunflower seeds and cocoa nibs covered with vegan milk chocolate.

Presentation. 2kg, 1kg, 250gr, 125gr, 30gr.

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